The first few lines are in thamizh. I have posted the translation of it in comments.)
‘அண்ணா, நீங்க நாளைக்கு தரிசனம் பண்ண முடியாதுங்கறது எனக்கு ரொம்ப வருத்தமா இருக்கு’
‘அதனால என்னடா.. நாளைக்கு நீ ஸ்வாமி கிட்ட பாடறச்சே நானும் ஒன்னோட வாசிக்கறேன்னு
நெனச்சுண்டு பாடு.. அவ்ளோ தான்... இன்னிக்கு பைரவி கலக்கிட்ட... ரொம்ப நன்னா இருந்தது’
சஹ கலைஞர்கள், நண்பர்கள், சிஷ்யர்கள் என அன்பு செலுத்துவோர் சூழ சற்று சுகமாகத்தான்
இருக்கிறேன் எனினும், இந்தப் பதிவை மாற்றுத்திறனாளி, Disability, என்ற tag-ளோடு பகிர்ந்து கொள்கிறபோது, அது எங்களைப் போன்றவர்களின் ஒருமித்த குரலின் சப்த வீர்யத்திற்கு என்னாலான ஒரு பங்காயிருக்கும் என்பதால் தான் பகிர்ந்து கொள்கிறேனே தவிர தன்னிரக்கத்தின் பொருட்டன்று. சுயபச்சாதாபங்களுக்கு இங்கே இடமில்லை.
நாத நீராஜனம் கச்சேரிக்காகத் திருமலை (திருப்பதி) சென்றிருந்தேன்.
பூக்களைப் பறிக்காதீர்கள்
புகை பிடிக்காதீர்கள்
காற்றுக்கு மட்டுமல்ல,
படிக்கவே தெரியவில்லை,
வளைந்தேறிய பாதைகளில் வழியெங்கும் காணப்பட்ட அறிவிப்புகளில் ஒன்று, சிகரெட் பிடிக்காதீர்; பிடித்தால் ரூ.25 அபராதம் என்று அபத்தமாக கூறியபடியே இருந்தது. 10,000 ரூபாய்க்கு சீக்கிரம் பார்க்க முடிகின்ற கூடாரை வென்று கூட வைக்கும் சீர் கோவிந்தன் பெயரைச் சொல்லி, பணம் கொடுத்தால் பண்ண அனுமதிப்பவைகளில் புகை பிடிப்பதும்
ஒன்று போலும்.
எப்போது எங்கு செல்வதாக இருந்தாலும் எனக்குத் தேவைப்படும் ஒரே தகவல், அந்த இடம் மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகள் பயன்படுத்தக்கூடிய வகையில் கட்டப்பட்டதா அல்லது படிக்கட்டுகளும் ஏற்ற இறக்கங்களுமாக உள்ளதா என்பதே அது. (திருமலையில் நாளொருமேனியும் பொழுதொரு வண்ணமுமாகக் கட்டமைப்புகள் உருவாகி வருதால், முன்பே தருவிக்கும் தகவல் எந்த அளவிற்கு அன்றைக்குப் பயன்படும் என்று வேறு சொல்லவியலாது).
மாற்றுத் திறனாளிக்கான ஒரு தகவலைப் பெற விழையும் ஒவ்வொரு முறையும் எத்தகைய தட்டையான புரிதல் கொண்ட மனிதர்களே எதேச்சையாகவோ வலிந்தோ அதற்கான இடங்களில் இருக்கிறார்கள் என்று அச்சமும் ஆச்சிரியமும் கொள்ளாத நாட்கள் அனேகமாக வாய்ப்பதே இல்லை. இருட்டு அறையில் கறுப்புப் பூனையைக் கண்களைக் கட்டிக்கொண்டு தேடுதல் மிகக் கடினம், அதுவும் அப்பூனை அங்கில்லாத போது என்பது ஆகச்சிறந்த வரிகளில் ஒன்று என்பதை உணர்த்தியபடியே நகர்கிறது காலம்.
என் எதிரே மூன்று வழிகள் இருந்தன.
1. அந்த நிகழ்ச்சியை நடத்தும் பொறுப்பாளரிடம் பேசுவது.
2. அங்கு சென்ற/செல்லும் சக கலைஞர்களிடம் கேட்டுப் பெறும் விவரம்.
3. திருமலை-திருப்பதி தேவஸ்தான வலைப்பக்கத்தை ஆராய்ந்து, உங்களுக்கு உதவட்டுமா என்ற தொடர்பு எண் எதிலாவது பேசிப் பார்ப்பது.
மூன்றாவதைத் தான் முதலில் பார்த்தேன். வயதானவர்கள், ஊனமுற்றவர்களுக்கான சிறப்பு தரிசனம் பற்றிய முழுமையற்ற குறிப்புகளே காணக்கிடைத்தன. அதில் சொல்லப்படாத சந்தேகங்கள் இருந்தால் யாரைத் தொடர்பு கொள்வது என்ற விவரங்களும் அங்கே இலை. நிறைய விவரங்கள் இருந்தால் ஆலயத்தின் பாதுகாப்பிற்கு ஆபத்து போலும் என விட்டுவிட்டேன். (Contact us-ல் மேலும் சிலபல அலுவலர்களின் தொடர்பு எண்கள் கொடுக்கப்பட்டிருந்தும், இதை ஏற்பாடு செய்வது ஸ்ரீ வெங்கடேஸ்வரா பக்தி சேனல் என்பதால், அங்கேயே கேட்டுக்கொள்ளச் சொல்வார்கள்). SVBC-க்கென்றே இருக்கும் வலைதளத்தில், webcast தவிர எதுவுமே இல்லை.
நிகழ்ச்சிப் பொறுப்பாளரை அக்டோபர் 6-ஆம் தேதியே (கச்சேரி 29.10.11) தொடர்பு கொண்டேன். நான் எதற்காக அழைத்தேன் என்பதை காதிலேயே வாங்கிக்கொள்ளாமல் ஆங்கிலத்தில் சுமார் அரை மணி நேரம் பேசினார்.
'சார்.. ரெண்டு பேருக்குதான் தரிசனம் பண்ணி வெப்போம், தங்க எடம் குடுப்போம். அதுக்கு மேல கெடையாது.'
'சரி, நான் எதுக்கு கூப்பிட்டேன்னா...'
'அதுல பாருங்க சார், நிறைய பேர் வந்தாச்சுன்னா அவங்களுக்கு தரிசனம் பண்ணி வெக்க முடியாது. ரெண்டு பேருக்கு தான் முடியும்'
'புரியறது, எனக்கு நடக்க முடியாது, அதுனால அங்க தங்கற எடம் பத்தி கேக்கலாம்னு கூப்டேன்'
'அதான் சார். ரெண்டு பேருக்கு தான் தரிசனம் பண்ணலாம். பாடறவங்க அவங்க தாத்தா பாட்டி வருவாங்கன்னு சொன்னாங்க. அவங்களே தனியா அரேஞ்ச் பண்ணிக்கறாங்க, ஏதோ டிக்கட் வாங்கி.'
'இல்ல, நான் அத கேக்கல. அங்க எங்க தங்கணும், அது கீழயா மாடிலையா, கச்சேரி நடக்கற எடம் அங்கேந்து..'
'அதுனால சார், நாங்க ரெண்டு பேர் தங்கறதுக்கு தான்...'
நான் இடைமறித்து, 'இங்க பாருங்க பாஸ்கர், நீங்க கொஞ்சம் நான் என்ன கேக்கறேன்னு புரிஞ்சுக்கோங்க. நான் என்ன கேக்கறேன்னா..'
மறுமுனையில் மெல்லிய சிரிப்பு. 'சார், நீங்க நான் சொல்றத நல்லா கேட்டுக்கோங்க. உங்களுக்கு புரியல. கவனிங்க. நாங்க ரெண்டு பேர் தங்கறதுக்கு தான் காட்டேஜ் குடுப்போம். ரெண்டு பேருக்கு தான் தரிசனம் பண்ணி வெப்போம்'
சற்று குரலை உயர்த்தினேன்.
'Mr.Bhaskar, Will you please listen to what I say? I am not bringing many people along with me. Two of us will only come, that too to assist me, as I am disabled. Since, I am handicapped, I can't walk. I can only use the wheel chair or I need to crawl the distance. I am just asking you about the place of stay and how to reach the stage from there. I am just asking all these details, in order to plan my stay and travel accordingly. If there are more steps to climb, I will start a bit earlier and I can do it on my own. Do you understand?'
"Sir.. sir sir.. you are not understanding what I SAY. We can only accommodate two and arrange for dharshan for two"
'My god! I am asking, whether too many steps are there and....'
'Sir, steps will be more than 30. If you are handicapped, we can't take you in'
'No need, my job is to reach the stage and play the concert; I am not at all bothered about having or not having a dharshan and all'
'Sir, listen to me. One man from Kerala came. He was old. He looked like 150 kilo. But, he became 300 kilos when we lifted him. The attender went leave for four days. But, I am coming here regularly. No leave for past 8 months. We will only allow two persons to stay and we can take only two persons to dharshan'
'It’s ok Mr. Bhaskar and I am fine with just playing the concert'
'Sir... sir... you are mistaking. Actually, we are happy if you take dharshan. But, it is too much difficult to take you inside. So I am telling that it will be great difficult for us. One artiste fell down. Some bring many people. But the dhEvasthanam is doubting us that we are getting money and letting more people. We are here to help you. But, it is difficult.
See, I have already made it clear, it’s OK and fine for me if I can't go inside and have dharshan and all. What information I need is, whether the place of stay is in ground floor or upstairs, any steps.....'
'Sir, you should not say like that. You should go inside and see Balaji. But, it is very difficult. I am telling you because, one man fell down and one artiste from Kerala...'
'That you had already explained. I understand you have more work pressure and you need a vacation..'
'Yes sir, too much work here. 8 months, I did not go home. And one more thing sir, I cannot tell you whether ground floor or not. In the cottage, if only upstairs is only vacant, you may go there sir. Sometimes, the artiste of the previous day will be in ground floor'
'See, I am not going to pay any surprise visit. You know pretty well that I am playing on the 29th only. So, you can plan accordingly and keep the ground floor....'
‘SIr, you are not understanding sir... If the artiste is not willing to change the room on that day, I can’t give you the ground floor sir... we cannot do reservation and all’
‘It’s ok, if ground floor is not available, I’ll just take some other room for rent or I’ll just sit in the car itself.
‘sir... don’t get angry.. I am telling, we cannot assure you. There will be many steps and it will be difficult for you. Also, I am telling the dharshan is difficult. We can’t lift you...’
Mr. Bhaskar, No need to lift me and all. I can do things on my own and a sishya of mine will help me if I need any. This is not the first time that I am playing a concert at a holy place and return without having dharshan and all. I am used to such things. I am clear; my job is to play the concert. So, I am asking YOU the details about steps and all. That too, because, you are the manager for nAdha neerAjanam.
‘Sir, you should understand, we are having too many works...’
He continued his clichés of that day; it will be difficult for you... two people only... blah blah....
‘Ok, Mr. Bhaskar, see you in person, I shall come there on 29th by afternoon and I’ll adjust however it is, don’t worry’.
‘Sir... then why you called me and asked all these questions... (laughing) you have wasted half an hour of busy time in the morning... why I am saying this is, we have lot of work.. it is difficult to have dharshan... we don’t allow more than two persons to stay...’
‘It’s ok Mr. Bhaskar, I understand what you say. Thank you’
The epic conversation between us happened so. Talking to my friends being the only option left, I keenly watched for the updates in Facebook and I followed the announcements made on SVBC too. Finally got one who been there in mid of October and spoke to him. He asked about how life is going and all and he said he didn’t see me in the concerts held at RMKV for navarAthri and I told him that I had to decline an offer to play there owing to the 15 steps at the entrance. He seemed surprised and said no no... You have got some wrong information. There is lift to reach the first floor, where the concerts happened.
‘No man, not like that. My friend works in a bank nearby that place and he examined the possibilities and reported me clearly. There are 15 steps to enter the premises itself.’
‘No no.. He has not seen properly. There is a lift. You missed a concert’
‘Hey... in fact I, myself spoke to the floor manager and he confirmed the same too!’
‘No no... They have misguided you. You can just go to the lift, straight away’
‘From the parking?’
‘Not from the parking. How can it be possible? If you go to the entrance, there is lift and you can use it’
I sighed. ‘Do you know to reach what you say as entrance, the so called ground floor that itself has 15 steps from the road? Are you aware about that?’
‘Yes, I am. If you climb those 15 steps then you can easily go to the first floor by lift’
‘That’s what I am saying...’
‘Yeah, there are steps. But if you reach the lift then it is easy’
Guess what I said? I just wished him a nice day and nice year ahead. But, I felt happy for not having asked him any details regarding my thirupathi visit, stay and dharshan. J
The days passed but they contained a slight pressure about the conditions which might be prevailing there and how am I going to tackle. The other mind of mine came to the rescue (do I have one like that?), ‘Look, if you know your enemy, you need to plan, work on strategy and all. In this case, the things that you need to face are unknown. So, stop worrying, be cool and just be creative when you have zero anticipation about any crisis. That is the plus in this issue. So, sleep well’.
I decided to start early, before sunrise in the morning and reach thirumala by 10.00AM itself so that there will be sufficient time to the sorting out of the issues (if any) in between the reaching there and the concert. Meanwhile, I managed to get info from one of the artiste who performed there a month ago that there is wheel chair access to the stage and felt peace, finally, though the conversation with the organiser kept creating bubbles on the surface.

When we reached the tollgate, I called Bhaskar and due to a disturbed signal, he was unable to hear me properly. In such cases, the need to call him can be ascertained so easily and further guidance about the point of meeting or place of stay can be exchanged through SMS. Since the concerts are happening daily, they are supposed to know these issues of recurring nature better than anyone else. I got a contact of one of his assistants, Venkatesh, through the singer and called him from where the Garudan welcomed us. He said, we need to come to Alwar Tank Guest House which is nearby and he added anyone on the street will guide us there! The way he spoke seated me under an impression that the place is the second most popular spot on the hills. Not much or more, we just spent an hour in search of it. In addition to the calls, every policeman, auto-van drivers and the white and white may I help you volunteers sent us around the ups and downs and we encountered a lot wall and tears.
I called him and asked in a detached voice, where the hill he is (no spelling mistake intended). ‘Sir, just tell me where you are... I will tell you’ and all of a sudden he directed us clearly and we were at the gate of ATGH in a minute! He asked me to get in. I looked at the steps there and told him about my disability and asked him whether this is the place I should stay. He said something like, ‘not here sir, but, having come all the way here, you can come inside!’ I was unable to understand why someone cannot come to some point and receive us. They send a van to receive artistes who visit by train. Well, maybe people like us are damned in a place which is celebrated for pAdha yAthrA.
Now, it was a different place, Nursing Sadhan and I requested if he can come or send someone to show us where it is and he sent Sriram. Nursing Sadhan is really a comfort inn which has only one step to climb. Given proper assistance, the handle of the wheel chair can be pressed and lifted inside. A room which can give room a decent stay for four. We were hungry. The man told us we can have food at TTD’s place and I asked him whether some food can be fetched for me. He said that cannot be arranged and if we have any Tiffin box or plate like that, someone can go and bring food for me. Who knows all these, Mr. Assistant? Why can’t you say it well in advance, so that I can come prepared? Well again, hotels were there and I ate, did I miss an H there?
‘Sir, we can take you for dharshan by 6AM tomorrow. That is the time for VIP dharshan. We can only take two.’
‘Yes, Mr.Bhaskar ‘briefed’ me about this for a ‘long time’, the other day. Can I ask you one thing? Can you take my sishyas Arthi and Krishna for dharshan instead of me? They can pay the praNAms on behalf of me and since they are married they can have dharshan together... or you can give my quota to the singer and take her grand parents’
‘No sir, only we take artistes’
‘OK, fine... what time should I be ready?’
‘Sir, the coffee will be given at 4PM. You be ready at 5PM. Our van, Swaraj Mazda will come here and take you’
‘Oh... Can I ask you one thing? Getting into the car from the wheel chair is easier for me than climbing into the van’
‘No no... You can’t come by car. Only the van is allowed. The security guards know our van. They will only let the van’ (But, when I went there, I could see many cars and vans parked inside)
By the time, he got a call from the artiste and he said he can arrange for a thampura and an artiste to play it and added, ‘since, nAgarAjan sir, is not having dharshan, (I never told I won’t come in. You guys only say, we can’t go in) I can take your people in that place!’
‘See, if one of you or the organiser will also be coming with us, they will let our car and I can reach the stage in my wheel chair’
‘No sir, you come in our van and we will take you in a battery car’ (like the ones in the railway stations)
‘You see Sriram, the problem is, I can’t be climbing and getting down many times, I need to perform after that! It will be tiresome to do it like climb wc-get in van –get down wc – get in battery car-get down wc-get on stage, that too for a distance of five minutes by walk!
‘Sir.. nAn solRadha solleettEn, then you do as you wish’
What a generosity! Nagaraj, you guys are blessed!!
I did as I wished. The concert went well. Aishvarya and the vAnchai and happiness filled in her eyes, the crowd, the temple atmosphere, the stage and the backdrop that I have seen umpteen numbers of times in SVBC and the way she commenced her concert with an apt chedE budhdhi mAnurA (O Mind! Give up crooked ideas) and the songs followed made the trip a memorable one. After the concert(!), Bhaskar, the manager for nAdha neerAjanam came to stage and met us. Again, he said it will be difficult to go inside and he is telling so for my good only and I thanked him for care taken on me and thanked him for the stay, though, the western closet in the restroom been damaged in such a way that it can tear the skin of male organ.
Got in to the car and realised I am hungry, terribly. The laddu and the vadai (minus idly) which was presented on stage along with a poo cheNdu, went slimmer (I am in diet you know?). J
We went to Mayur restaurant and had a dhOsa and the time was 8.30PM only. I stayed in the car itself, grabbed things and reached my oor, Chennai, not at once, but at Ra.One.AM.
#ra.one = rAthri oru maNi
#One is singular, no (at) once, OK? :D
(I am reporting this to the grievances cell of TTD and I have added a few lines:
Dear Sir,
If this is how we are treated when we offer our art to Shri Venkatesa, then I think, it is high time for you to execute a complete check on what is really happening there and deserving persons who have studied psychology and disability management, who could empathise should get appointed. In fact, I would personally suggest that the advisory committee should have a differently abled person to understand the difficulties that are faced in our daily routine, of course with knowledge to communicate at least in two languages.
If I visit your place as a guest and I just return without meeting you or if you don't exchange a few words or a coffee with me, it is a disgrace to you according to our tradition. In this case, I came to offer my art and to meet Lord Venkatesvara Himself. But, I was unable to satisfy a part of it and it is certainly a disgrace to the Lord Himself. Let us not let it happen so in the future and I need a complete enquiry and action upon this issue.
Thank you and with regards,
Erode Nagaraj,
Mrudangam Artiste).